Monday, June 20, 2011

The Start of Something Big

Cool Things in Nature began just over a year ago and it's hard to believe that time can dissipate so quickly.  With its origins in Texas, CTiN was originally going to be a half hour variety show with a regular cast of characters.  JessiCool and Coolia were the two hosts, while Patrick's Bear Grylls impression would frequent the show; Angie was to be the uncool villain; Page and Kari were working on a geological rock song; there was pooping with Patrick G; Kaleb's Krazy Animals; and probably many other ideas that never made it to film.  Cool Things in Nature was the brainchild of seasonal environmental educators and thus much of its segments disappeared in the common fashion of seasonals...they moved away.  However, the two creators, JessiCool and Coolia remained close, although sometimes on opposite sides of the country.  The two have a dream and will not allow distance or lack of time to derail the vision.  Cool Things in Nature will be the coolest nature show ever created!

Although the idea of the blog may evolve over time, currently it will feature one cool nature topic an entry and explain a little about it.  The author may also insert some thoughts acquired in recent trips in nature.  For example, this entry comes from Coolia, who was out for a morning run in nature, by the river of her childhood, when the idea for this blog occurred.  Deep in thought over the changes in her life and the evolution of the trail where her feet touched pavement, Coolia realized that life is perhaps the coolest thing in nature.  The ball field of her childhood, now overgrown with weeds used to house cheers of ten year-olds with big dreams.  The abandoned factories that echo the weekend plans of old men with rough hands; the decaying bridges that once carried trains of people settling in new lands are all cool things in nature.  The past...the present...the future all reside in a cool world of time.  We love.  We lose.  We live.  We die.  Just as a plant tosses seed into the wind, letting the imbalance of high and low pressure chose the fate of its continuing existence, we dance the waltz of infamy in every choice we make.  We must consider that every decision of a human impacts nature forever.  We must consider time and make concessions therein for the good of others and our environment.

Today the CTiN blog will briefly touch on an animal Coolia saw on her morning run, the Northern Cardinal.  It is a beautiful bird, with the male very recognizable by its vibrant red color.  The female is more of a tawny brown color, but displays some red accents..  The bird does not migrate in colder weather and keeps its red color all year.  For more information on this bird, visit where our information was acquired.

Don't forget to check out for a series of really cool videos!  Thank you for reading the first entry of the Cool Things in Nature blog.  We'll see you next time.

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